Not all trees are the same when it comes to removing them. Conifer trees—like pines, spruce, and fir—can pose specific challenges that necessitate professional removal.
1. Bulk Issues
Many conifers grow in wide, pyramidal forms that can make them a challenge to remove from an urban or suburban lot. If allowed to simply fall, a large clearance zone is necessary to the bulk of the tree's branches don't damage any surrounding structures or block off roads. A tree service can mitigate this risk by removing the bulk before taking down the tree. They will cut off each branch individually, beginning at the bottom of the tree. Upper branches are lowered down on pulley systems so they won't fall and cause damage as they are removed.
2. Height Concerns
Many species of conifers can grow quite tall, soaring several stories above the house and any other surrounding buildings. Simply cutting down the trunk at the base isn't suitable as the tall trunk will likely fall across several properties. Instead, the trunk must be removed in segments, which will require the use of skilled experts using climbing gear and heavy equipment. The trunk is cut down in sections, this time beginning from the top. Much like the branches, the trunk segments are lowered to the ground via a pulley system.
3. Wildlife Worries
The dense branches and needles on conifers make them a common home for neighborhood wildlife, from squirrels and small songbirds to larger mammals like raccoons. If possible, tree removal should be scheduled outside of the usual nesting and birthing season of local birds and animals. This may mean planning tree removal for late autumn or early winter after the young have left the nests. Of course, this is only an option if the tree doesn't pose any danger of falling or blowing down. Limb and trunk removal may also be done over several days so that wildlife has time to vacate the tree prior to full removal.
4. Pest Containment
If pests are the reason for removing the tree, such as the common pine beetle, then special care is needed so that the pests aren't allowed to spread to any other nearby trees. It's generally preferable for the wood to be taken and disposed of by the removal service. Burning the wood is another option. Chipping may not be sufficient, as the common size for wood chips is still large enough for beetles and their larva to survive. Chipping is only suitable if the wood can be ground down fine enough to ensure no beetles survive.
Contact a tree removal service if you need help with a conifer.
Share10 July 2023
Have you ever thought about how much variety there is between trees? Apple trees, for example, have spindly branches and a short stature. Oak trees are tall and straight, producing acorns every few years. And then there are pine trees, which stay green all year long. Each tree has its own characteristics, and as such, it requires somewhat unique care. Tree services know what type of care to provide for various trees on your property. From trimming to watering, this blog discusses all sorts of different services that can benefit your trees. Start reading, and you're sure to learn more about these majestic plants.