What You Should Know About Transplanting A Tree


Tree planting services can allow you to have more trees in your landscaping, even if you don't have the time or physical strength to plant the number of trees you want. But whether you're planting the trees on your own or hiring a professional, knowing something about transplanting can be helpful to your planning process.

Here are some of the basics you should know about transplanting a tree in your yard.

1. The tree's past matters

Sometimes, things can happen to a young tree at the nursery that can affect its future growth. You should always choose a high-quality nursery to ensure the best survival rates for your trees. Your tree services expert can also look over the trees for problems such as:

  • Girdling roots
  • Dead branches
  • Buried root flare
  • Disease or insect problems
  • Large wounds 

2. Deeper isn't always better

A buried root flare is one of the problems that can cause issues for your tree, and it's not just something that can happen at the nursery. If you're planting your young tree and accidentally dig the hole too deep, you could end up burying this crucial section of the trunk. A buried root flare can result in a rotting trunk or secondary roots that accidentally girdle and kill the tree.

If you're unsure how to identify the root flare, a tree services expert can help you. In some cases, if the root flare was already buried when you got the tree, it could have secondary roots growing above it already, muddying the issue further.

3. Siting can make or break the tree's health

Different trees have different water, light, and soil requirements. So you'll either need to choose a tree based on the qualities of the location you're planning to plant it in or choose the spot in your yard based on what your favorite type of tree needs. Many homeowners have limited numbers of available spots, so you may want to choose trees based on the qualities of the site.

4. Sometimes you can re-transplant later

If you plant a tree when you move into a new home and don't realize until later that it's in a super swampy spot, you may wonder if the tree is simply doomed to struggle. Of course, if the tree is a water-loving variety, such as willow trees, it may not mind swampiness. But if the tree won't do well there, you can have a tree service professional transplant it to a different spot.

The larger a tree grows, the more difficult transplanting becomes. But trees grow quite slowly at first, so your tree professionals may be able to re-transplant a tree for several years after you first plant it. 

These basics can help you plan your tree planting even if you've never planted a tree before. Contact your tree services company today if you need specific information about which trees would be best for your yard. Check out this website, https://www.hodgsontreeservice.com/, or similar sites for more information. 


17 February 2021

Gorgeous Canopies. Beautiful Branches. A Tree Service Blog

Have you ever thought about how much variety there is between trees? Apple trees, for example, have spindly branches and a short stature. Oak trees are tall and straight, producing acorns every few years. And then there are pine trees, which stay green all year long. Each tree has its own characteristics, and as such, it requires somewhat unique care. Tree services know what type of care to provide for various trees on your property. From trimming to watering, this blog discusses all sorts of different services that can benefit your trees. Start reading, and you're sure to learn more about these majestic plants.