Should You Remove That Tree? Five Factors To Consider


Deciding to remove a tree from your yard is not always an easy decision. The following are five factors that can help you decide whether removal is necessary.

1. Proximity to the Home

One of the most important factors for determining whether a tree should be removed is its proximity to your home. A tree falling in the yard is an inconvenience, but the same tree landing on your home can be devastating. Generally, if the tree is growing close enough that the branches scrape over your roof or against your siding, it is growing too closely. Trunks should be 10 to 15 feet away from your foundation, at a  minimum, to ensure they cause no damage.

2. Health of the Trunk

Heart rot is a common problem. Some trees, like cedars, are more susceptible than others. Heartwood is not alive in most trees, it is only there to provide structure. This means a tree can appear perfectly healthy even though the heartwood has rotted away. A tree with heat rot will have a hollow trunk, which you may notice via cracks or holes in the trunk. Without the heartwood, the trunk is weaker and the tree is more prone to blowing over. Removal may be necessary if there is a blow down risk to your home.

3. Multiple Trunk or Splitting

For many types of trees, the formation of multiple trunks results in a weak growth pattern. As the canopy fills out, the trunks may actually split apart and cause part of the tree to fall over. If a tree doesn't have a natural shrubby form, then it may be wise to remove it if it has two or more trunks. The only exception is young trees, which can sometimes be pruned and retrained to one trunk only.

4. Canopy Dieback

Extensive dieback in the canopy is often the result of disease, pests, or severe injury to the trunk or roots. There is a danger when large branches begin to die, since these can crash down and cause injury to people or property below. A tree service needs to check out any tree with extensive dieback. Sometimes the problem can be treated and the tree can be saved, but extensive pruning may be necessary to make the tree save again. In other cases, removal is the best option.

5. Root Restrictions

A common problem in urban areas is restricted root zones. This is especially true of trees growing in medians and parking strips. If the tree's canopy grows larger than what the restricted roots can support, the tree is in danger of toppling over because it's too top heavy. Removal of the over-size tree and replacement with a more demure variety may be necessary.

If you are concerned about a tree on your property, contact a tree removal service in your area.


25 June 2020

Gorgeous Canopies. Beautiful Branches. A Tree Service Blog

Have you ever thought about how much variety there is between trees? Apple trees, for example, have spindly branches and a short stature. Oak trees are tall and straight, producing acorns every few years. And then there are pine trees, which stay green all year long. Each tree has its own characteristics, and as such, it requires somewhat unique care. Tree services know what type of care to provide for various trees on your property. From trimming to watering, this blog discusses all sorts of different services that can benefit your trees. Start reading, and you're sure to learn more about these majestic plants.